We care about the communities we serve

In our community

At Standard Bank DRC we consider it a business imperative to support and help uplift the communities in which we operate. Our approach to corporate social investment includes involving employees of the group in volunteering activities.

We care about the communities we serve and this caring extends throughout Standard Bank Group. Read more about it here.

Our people in Standard Bank DRC proactively identify opportunities arising from key social needs when formulating corporate social investment programmes, rather than just react to requests from charitable causes.

Operation Smile

Since 2009, we have supported Operation Smile’s missions conducted in the DRC both financially, as well as through volunteering to provide free reconstructive surgery to children and adults suffering with cleft lips and palates. During each mission held in Kinshasa, our people at Standard Bank DRC involve themselves with the day-to-day activities of the missions by giving their time to help patients and the medical team. The total number of patients operated on in 2012 was 137.

World Malaria Day

In support of local communities in the fight against Malaria, one of Africa’s scourges, the people of Standard Bank RDC distributed mosquito nets to the fishing village of Kinkole in April 2010.